Instructions: Please answer the below questions.

1. Get dressed and undressed

2. Prepare a simple meal

3. Take a bath or a shower

4. Get in/out of a chair

5. Get in/out of bed

6. Answer the door or telephone

7. Walk around the inside of your house

8. Reach into cabinets or closet

9. Light housekeeping

10. Simple shopping

11. Using public transport

12. Crossing roads

13. Light gardening or hanging out the washing

14. Using front or rear steps at home

Bibliographic References (copyright belongs to the author/s of this instrument):

  1. Newell, A. M., VanSwearingen, J. M., et al. (2012). "The modified Gait Efficacy Scale: establishing the psychometric properties in older adults." Phys Ther 92(2): 318-328.