Please choose the one best answer to each question.

1. What is your main occupation?

2. At work I sit

3. At work I stand

4. At work I walk

5. At work I lift heavy loads.

6. After working I am tired

7. At work I sweat

8. In comparison of others of my own age I think my work is physically

9. Do you play sports?

10. In comparison with others of my own age I think my physical activity during leisure time is

11. During leisure time I sweat

12. During leisure time I play sport

13a. What sport do yo play most frequently

14a. How many hours do you play a week?

15a. How many months do you play in a year?

13b. What sport do yo play 2nd most frequently

14b. How many hours do you play a week?

15b. How many months do you play in a year?

16. During leisure time I watch television

17. During leisure time I walk

18. During leisure time I cycle

19. How many minutes do you walk and/or cycle per day to and from work school and shopping?

Bibliographic References (copyright belongs to the author/s of this instrument):

  1. Albanes, D., Conway, J. M., Taylor, P. R., Moe, P. W., & Judd, J. (1990). Validation and comparison of eight physical activity questionnaires.
  2. Baecke, J. A. J., Burema, J., & Frijters, J. E. R. (1982). A short questionnaire for the measurement of habitual physical activity in epidemiological studies.
  3. Carvalho, F. A., Morelhao, P. K., Franco, M. R., Maher, C. G., Smeets, R. J. E. M., Oliveria, C. B. … Pinto, R. Z. (2017). Reliability and validity of two multidimensional self-reported activity questionnaires in people with chronic low back pain.
  4. Florindo, A. A., & Latorre, M. R. D. O. (2003). Validation and reliability of the Baecke questionnaire for the evaluation of habitual physical activity in adult men.
  5. Hertogh, E. M., Monninkhof, E. M., Schouten, E. G., Peeters, P. H. M., & Schuit, A. J. (2008). Validity of the Modified Baecke Questionnaire: Comparison with energy expenditure according to the doubly labeled water method.