Disability Rating Scale ratings to be completed within 72 hours after Rehab. Admission. And within 72 hours before Rehab. Discharge.

1. Eye opening:

2. Communication Abbility

3. Motor response

4. Feeding (Cognitive ability only).

5. Toileting (Cognitive ability only)

6. Grooming (Cognitive ability only)

7. Level of functioning (Physical, Mental, Emotional or Social function )

8. "Employmbility" (As a full time worker, Homemaker, or Student)

Bibliographic References (copyright belongs to the author/s of this instrument):

  1. Bowers, D. and Kofroth, L. (1989). "Comparison: Disability Rating Scale and Functional Independence Measure during recovery from traumatic brain injury." Arch Phys Med Rehabil 70: A58.
  2. Demakis, G. J., Hammond, F. M., et al. (2010). "Prediction of depression and anxiety 1 year after moderate-severe traumatic brain injury." Appl Neuropsychol 17(3): 183-189.
  3. Eliason, M. R. and Topp, B. W. (1984). "Predictive validity of Rappaport's Disability Rating Scale in subjects with acute brain dysfunction." Phys Ther 64(9): 1357-1360.
  4. Evans, C. C., Sherer, M., et al. (2005). "Early impaired self-awareness, depression, and subjective well-being following traumatic brain injury." J Head Trauma Rehabil 20(6): 488-500.
  5. Fleming, J., Tooth, L., et al. (1999). "Prediction of community integration and vocational outcome 2-5 years after traumatic brain injury rehabilitation in Australia." Brain Inj 13(6): 417-431.