1. Eye opening:
Spontaneous (0)
2. Communication Abbility
Oriented (0)
3. Motor response
Obeying (0)
4. Feeding (Cognitive ability only).
Complete (0)
5. Toileting (Cognitive ability only)
Complete (0)
6. Grooming (Cognitive ability only)
Complete (0)
7. Level of functioning (Physical, Mental, Emotional or Social function )
Completely Independent (0)
8. "Employmbility" (As a full time worker, Homemaker, or Student)
Not Restricted (0)
Disability Rating Scale (for TBI)
Disability Rating Scale ratings to be completed within 72 hours after Rehab. Admission. And within 72 hours before Rehab. Discharge.
1. Eye opening:
2. Communication Abbility
3. Motor response
4. Feeding (Cognitive ability only).
5. Toileting (Cognitive ability only)
6. Grooming (Cognitive ability only)
7. Level of functioning (Physical, Mental, Emotional or Social function )
8. "Employmbility" (As a full time worker, Homemaker, or Student)
Bibliographic References (copyright belongs to the author/s of this instrument):
- Bowers, D. and Kofroth, L. (1989). "Comparison: Disability Rating Scale and Functional Independence Measure during recovery from traumatic brain injury." Arch Phys Med Rehabil 70: A58.
- Demakis, G. J., Hammond, F. M., et al. (2010). "Prediction of depression and anxiety 1 year after moderate-severe traumatic brain injury." Appl Neuropsychol 17(3): 183-189.
- Eliason, M. R. and Topp, B. W. (1984). "Predictive validity of Rappaport's Disability Rating Scale in subjects with acute brain dysfunction." Phys Ther 64(9): 1357-1360.
- Evans, C. C., Sherer, M., et al. (2005). "Early impaired self-awareness, depression, and subjective well-being following traumatic brain injury." J Head Trauma Rehabil 20(6): 488-500.
- Fleming, J., Tooth, L., et al. (1999). "Prediction of community integration and vocational outcome 2-5 years after traumatic brain injury rehabilitation in Australia." Brain Inj 13(6): 417-431.