1. I feel like part of this community, like I belong here.
Always agree (1)
2. I know my way around this community.
Always agree (1)
3. I know the rules in this community and I can fit in with them.
Always agree (1)
4. I feel that I am accepted in this community.
Always agree (1)
5. I can be independent in this community.
Always agree (1)
6. I like where I'm living now.
Always agree (1)
7. There are people I feel close to in this community.
Always agree (1)
8. I know a number of people in this community well enough to say hello and have them say hello back.
Always agree (1)
9. There are things that I can do in this community for fun in my free time.
Always agree (1)
10. I have something to do in this community during that main part of my day that is useful and productive.
Always agree (1)
Community Integration Measure (CIM)
Please choose the one best answer to each question.
1. I feel like part of this community, like I belong here.
2. I know my way around this community.
3. I know the rules in this community and I can fit in with them.
4. I feel that I am accepted in this community.
5. I can be independent in this community.
6. I like where I'm living now.
7. There are people I feel close to in this community.
8. I know a number of people in this community well enough to say hello and have them say hello back.
9. There are things that I can do in this community for fun in my free time.
10. I have something to do in this community during that main part of my day that is useful and productive.
Bibliographic References (copyright belongs to the author/s of this instrument):
- Griffen, J. A., Hanks, R. A., et al. (2010). "The reliability and validity of the Community Integration Measure in persons with traumatic brain injury." Rehabil Psychol 55(3): 292-297.
- McColl, M. A., Davies, D., et al. (2001). "The community integration measure: development and preliminary validation." Arch Phys Med Rehabil 82(4): 429-434.
- Minnes, P., Carlson, P., et al. (2003). "Community integration: a useful construct, but what does it really mean?" Brain Inj 17(2): 149-159.
- Reistetter, T. A., Spencer, J. C., et al. (2005). "Examining the Community Integration Measure (CIM): a replication study with life satisfaction." NeuroRehabilitation 20(2): 139-148.