Please choose the one best answer to each question.

1. I feel like part of this community, like I belong here.

2. I know my way around this community.

3. I know the rules in this community and I can fit in with them.

4. I feel that I am accepted in this community.

5. I can be independent in this community.

6. I like where I'm living now.

7. There are people I feel close to in this community.

8. I know a number of people in this community well enough to say hello and have them say hello back.

9. There are things that I can do in this community for fun in my free time.

10. I have something to do in this community during that main part of my day that is useful and productive.

Bibliographic References (copyright belongs to the author/s of this instrument):

  1. Griffen, J. A., Hanks, R. A., et al. (2010). "The reliability and validity of the Community Integration Measure in persons with traumatic brain injury." Rehabil Psychol 55(3): 292-297.
  2. McColl, M. A., Davies, D., et al. (2001). "The community integration measure: development and preliminary validation." Arch Phys Med Rehabil 82(4): 429-434.
  3. Minnes, P., Carlson, P., et al. (2003). "Community integration: a useful construct, but what does it really mean?" Brain Inj 17(2): 149-159.
  4. Reistetter, T. A., Spencer, J. C., et al. (2005). "Examining the Community Integration Measure (CIM): a replication study with life satisfaction." NeuroRehabilitation 20(2): 139-148.