Upper Extremity Functional Index (UEFI)
Total UEFI Score : 0
We are interested in knowing whether you are having any difficulty at all with the activities listed below because of your upper limb problem for which you are currently seeking attention. Please provide an answer for each activity.
Today, do you or would you have any difficulty at all with:
1. Any of your usual work, housework, or school activities
2. Your usual hobbies, recreational or sporting activities
3. Lifting a bag of groceries to waist level
4. Lifting a bag of groceries above your head
5. Grooming your hair
6. Pushing up on your hands (e.g. from bathub or chair)
7. Preparing food (e.g. peeling, cutting)
8. Driving
9. Vacuuming, sweeping, or raking
10. Dressing
11. Doing up buttons
12. Using tools or applicances
13. Opening doors
14. Cleaning
15. Tying or lacing shoes
16. Sleeping
17. Laundering clothes (e.g. washing, ironing, folding)
18. Opening a jar
19. Throwing a ball
20. Carrying a small suitcase with your affected limb

Bibliographic References (copyright belongs to the author/s of this instrument)

1. Stratford PW, Binkley, JM, Stratford DM (2001): Development and initial validation of the upper extremity functional index. Physiotherapy Canada. 53(4):259-267.