UCLA Shoulder Score
Visual UCLA Shoulder Scale
Total UCLA Shoulder Score : 35 / 35 = 100.00%
Section 1. Pain
Present all of the time and unbearable, strong medication frequently (1)
Present always bearable, strong medication occasionally (2)
None or little at rest, present during light activities, salicylates used frequently (4)
Present during heavy or particular activities only, salicylates used occasionally (6)
Occasional and slight (8)
None (10)
Section 2. Function
Unable to use limb (1)
Only light activities possible (2)
Able to do light housework or most activities of daily living (4)
Most housework, shopping, and driving possible, able to do hair and to dress and undress, including fastening bra (6)
Slight restriction only, able to work above shoulder level (8)
Normal activities (10)
Section 3. Active forward flexion
150 degrees or more (5)
120 degrees - 150 degrees (4)
90 degrees - 120 degrees (3)
45 degrees - 90 degrees (2)
30 degrees - 45 degrees (1)
30 degrees or less (0)
Section 4. Strength of forward flexion (manual muscle-testing)
Grade 5 - normal (5)
Grade 4 - good (4)
Grade 3 - fair (3)
Grade 2 - poor (2)
Grade 1 - muscle contraction (1)
Grade 0 - nothing (0)
Section 5. Satisfaction of patient
Satisfied and better (5)
Not satisfied and worse (0)
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