Tennis Elbow Function Scale
Total Score : 0 / 40 = 0.0%
Today, do you or would you have any elbow dicomfort at all with the following activities?
1. Your usual work, housework, or school activities
2. Your usual hobbies, sporting or recreational activities
3. Activities like sweeping or raking
4. Using tools or appliances
5. Dressing yourself or pulling up your pants/tights
6. Squeezing or gripping an object
7. Opening Doors with your involved limb
8. Carrying a small suitcase with your involved limb
9. Opening a jar or can
10. Writing or using a keyboard

Bibliographic References (copyright belongs to the author/s of this instrument)

1. Lowe KA. The test retest reliability, construct validity, and responsiveness of the tennis elbow function scale. University of Alberta, 1999.