Tegner Lysholm Knee Scoring Scale Calculator
Visual Tegner Lysholm Knee Scale
Total Tegner Lysholm Knee Score : 0 / 100 = 0.0%
Instructions: Below are common complaints which people frequently have with their knee problems. Please answer every section and mark the ONE box which best describes your condition.
1. Limp
I have no limp when I walk (5)
I have a slight periodical limp when I walk (3)
I have severe and Constant limp when I walk (0)
2. Support
I do not use a cane or crutches (5)
I use a cane with some weight bearing (2)
Putting weight on my hurt leg is impossible (0)
3. Locking
I have no locking and no catching sensation in my knee (15)
I have a catching sensation but no locking sensation in my knee (10)
My knee locks occasinally (6)
My knee locks frequently (2)
My knee feels lock at this moment (0)
4. Instability
My knee never gives way, (25)
My knee rarely gives way, only in athletics or other vigorous activities (20)
My knee frequently gives way during athletics or other vigorous activities; in turn I am unable to participate in these activities (15)
My knee occasionally gives way in daily activities (10)
My knee often gives way in daily activities (5)
My knee gives way every step I take (0)
5. Pain
I have no pain in my knee (25)
I have intermittent or slight pain in my knee during vigorous activities (20)
I have marked pain in my knee during vigorous activities (15)
I have marked pain in my knee during or after walking more than 1 mile (10)
I have marked pain in my knee during or after walking less than 1 mile (5)
I have constant pain in my knee (0)
6. Swelling
I have no swelling in my knee (10)
I have swelling in my knee after vigorous activities (6)
I have swelling in my knee after ordinary activities (2)
I have swelling constantly in my knee (0)
7. Stair-Climbing
I have no problems climbing stairs (10)
I have slight problems climbing stairs (6)
I can climb stairs only one at a time (2)
Climbing stairs is impossible (0)
8. Squatting
I have no problems squatting (5)
I have slight problems squatting (4)
I cannot squat beyond a 90 degrees bend in my knee (2)
Squatting is impossible because of my knee (0)
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