Roye Score
Total ROYE Score : 0 / 38 = 0.0%
1. How satisfied are you with the status of your child's foot?
2. How satisfied are you with the ppearance of your child's foot?
3. How often is your child teased because of his or her clubfoot?
4. How often does your child have problems finding shoes that fit?
5. How often does your hild have problems finding hsoes that he or she likes?
6. Does you child ever complain of pain in his or her [affected] foot?
7. How limited is your child in his or her ability to walk?
8. How limited is your child in his or her ability to run?
9. How often does your child complain of pain during heavy exercise?
10. How often does you child complain of pain during moderate execercise?

Bibliographic References (copyright belongs to the author/s of this instrument)

1. Roye BD, Vitale MG, Gelijns AC, Roye DP Jr. Patient-based outcomes after clubfoot surgery. J Pediatr Orthop. 2001 Jan-Feb; 21(1):42-9.
2. Dietz FR, Tyler MC, Leary KS, Damiano PC. Evaluation of a disease-specific instrument for idiopathic clubfoot outcome. Clinical orthopaedics and related research. 2009 May 1;467(5):1256-62.
3. Smythe T, Gova M, Muzanuwi R, Foster A, Lavy C. A Comparison of outcome measures used to report clubfoot treatment with the Ponseti method: results from a cohort in Harare, Zimbabwe. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders (2018) 19:450
4. Van Praag et al. Casting is effective for recurrence following ponseti treatment of clubfoot.