Painfree Function Index
Date of Completion : March 28, 2025
Total PainFree Function Index Score : 0 / 8 = 0.0%
Today, do you or would you have any elbow discomfort at all with any of the following activities?
1. Dressing yourself or pulling up your slacks
2. Opening a jar or feeding yourself
3. Washing yourself or wringing out a face cloth
4. Household tasks (cleaning, lifting a chair, gardening)
5. Opening doors
6. Carrying objects with your involved hand
7. Everyday work or school activities
8. Recreation or sporting activities

Bibliographic References (copyright belongs to the author/s of this instrument)

1. Stratford P, Levy D, Gauldie S, Levy K, Miseferi D: Extensor carpiradialis tendonitis: a validation of selected outcome measures. Physiother Can 39: 226, 1987