Penn Shoulder Score
Total Pain Score : 30 / 30 = 100.00%
Total Satisfaction Score : 10 / 10 = 100.00%
Total Function Score : 60 / 60 = 100.00%
Part I: Pain & Satisfaction
Please circle the number closest to your level of pain or satisfaction
1. Pain at rest with your arm by your side:
No Pain - 0Extreme Pain - 1000
2. Pain with normal activities (eating, dressing, bathing):
No Pain - 0Extreme Pain - 1000
3. Pain with strenuous activities (reaching, lifting, pushing, pulling, throwing):
No Pain - 0Extreme Pain - 1000
4. How satisfied are you with the current level of function of your shoulder?
No Pain - 0Extreme Pain - 1000
Part II: Function
Please circle the number that best describes the level of difficulty you might have performing each activity
5. Reach the small of your back to tuck in your shirt with your hand.
6. Wash the middle of your back/hook bra.
7. Perform necessary toileting activities.
8. Wash the back of opposite shoulder.
9. Comb hair.
10. Place hand behind head with elbow held straight out to the side
11. Dress self (including put on coat and pull shirt of overhead).
12. Sleep on affected side.
13. Open a door with affected side.
14. Carry a bag of groceries with affected arm.
15. Carry a briefcase/small suitcase with affected arm.
16. Place a soup can (1-2 lbs.) on a shelf at shoulder level without bending elbow.
17. Place a one gallon container (8-10 lbs.) on a shelf at shoulder level without bending elbow.
18. Reach a shelf above your head without bending your elbow.
19. Place a soup can (1-2 lbs.) on a shelf overhead without bending your elbow.
20. Place a one gallon container (8-10 lbs.) on a shelf overhead without bending your elbow
21. Perform usual sport/hobby.
22. Perform household chores (cleaning, laundry, cooking).
23. Throw overhand/swim/overhead racquet sports.
24. Work full-time at your regular job.