Liverpool Elbow Score
Total Score : 0 / 53 = 0.0%
Clinical Assessment
1. Flexion
2. Extension
3. Pronation
4. Supination
5. Strenth: average of flexion, extension, pronation and supination
6. Ulnar Nerve
Patient - ansered questions
During the past four weeks:
7. How often have you had to use your other arm to do things normally done by the affected arm?
8. Has your elbow problem caused you any difficulty in combing your hair?
9. Has your elbow problem caused you any difficulty in washing yourself?
10. Has your elbow problem caused you any difficulty in feeding yourself?
11. Has your elbow problem caused you any diffculty in feeding yourself?
12. Has your elbow proble mcaused you any diffculty in trying to do household activities?
13. Has you elbow problem caused you any difficulty in lifting e.g. a kettle a milk botthe, groceries?
14. How would you describe the pain from this elbow?
15. Has your elbow problem affected your sport and leisure activities

Bibliographic References (copyright belongs to the author/s of this instrument)

1. Sathyamoorthy P, Kemp GJ, Rawal A, Rayner V, Frostick SP (2004) Development and validation of an elbow score. Rheumatology (Oxford), 43, 1434–1440.