Kujala score
Visual AKPS (Kujala) Scale
Total AKPS (Kujala) Score : 0 / 100 = 0.0%
1. Limp
None (5)
Slight or periodical (3)
Constant (2)
2. Support
Full support without pain (5)
Painful (3)
Weight bearing impossible (0)
3. Walking
Unlimited (5)
More than 2km (3)
1-2 km (2)
Unable (0)
4. Stairs
No difficulty (10)
Slight pain when descending (8)
Pain both when descending and ascending (5)
Unable (0)
5. Squatting
No difficulty (5)
Repeated squatting painful (4)
Painful each time (3)
Possible with partial weight bearing (1)
Unable (0)
6. Running
No difficulty (10)
Pain after ore than 2km (8)
Slight pain from start (6)
Severe pain (3)
Unable (0)
7. Jumping
No difficulty (10)
A little bit of difficulty (7)
Moderate difficulty (2)
A lot of difficulty (0)
8. Prolonged sitting with the knees flexed.
No difficulty (10)
Pain after excercise (8)
Constant pain (6)
Pain forces to extend knees temporarily (4)
Unable (0)
9. Pain
None (10)
Slight and occasional (8)
Intereferes with sleep (6)
Occasionally severe (3)
Constant and severe (0)
10. Swelling
None (10)
After severe exertion (8)
After daily activities (6)
Every evening (4)
Constant (0)
11. Abnormal painful kneecap (patellar) movements (subluxations)
None (10)
Occasionally in sports activities (6)
Occasinally in daily activities (4)
At least one documented dislocation (2)
More than 2 dislocations (0)
12. Atropy of thigh
None (5)
Slight (3)
Severe (0)
13. Flexion deficiency
None (5)
Slight (3)
Severe (0)
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