Knee Outcome Survey Calculator
Total Knee Outcome Survey - Daily Living Score : 0 / 70 = 0.0%
Total Knee Outcome Survey - Sports Activities Score : 0 / 55 = 0.0%
The following questionnaire is designed to determine the symptoms and limitations that you experience because of your knee while you perform your usual daily activities. Please answer each question by checking the one statement that best describes you over the last 1 to 2 days. For a given question, more than one of the statements may describe you, but please mark only the statement which best describes you during your usual daily activities.
Knee Outcome Survey Activities of Daily Living Scale
Symptoms: To what degree does each of the following symptoms affect your level of daily activity?
1. Pain
2. Stiffness
3. Swelling
4. Giving way, buckling, or shifting of the knee
5. Weakness
6. Limping
Functional Limitations With Activities of Daily Living: How does your knee affect your ability to…
7. Walk
8. Go up stairs
9. Go down stairs
10. Stand
11. Kneel on the front of your knee
12. Squat
13. Sit with your knee bent
14. Rise from a chair
Knee Outcome Survey Sports Activities Scale
Symptoms: To what degree does each of the following symptoms affect your level of sports activity?
15. Pain
16. Grinding or grating
17. Stiffness
18. Swelling
19. Slipping or partial giving way of knee
20. Buckling or full giving way of knee
21. Weakness
Functional Limitations With Sports Activities: How does your knee affect your ability to
22. Run straight ahead
23. Jump and land on your involved leg
24. Stop and start quickly
25. Cut and pivot on your involved leg