4. Can you pour liquid from a bottle into a glass?
5. Can you unscrew the lid from a jar opened before?
6. Can you cut meat with a knife?
7. Can you prick things well with a fork?
8. Can you peel fruit?
C2 - Dressing
9. Can you button your shirt?
10. Can you open and close a zipper?
C3 - Hygiene
11. Can you squeeze a new tube of totthpaste?
12. Can you hold a toothbrush efficiently?
C4 - In the Office
13. Can you write a short sentence with a pencil or ordinary pen?
14. Can you write a ltter with a pencil or ordinary pen?
C5 - Other
15. Can you turn around door knob?
16. Can you cut a piece of paper with scissors?
17. Can you pick up coins from a table top?
18. Can you turn a key in a lock?
Bibliographic References (copyright belongs to the author/s of this instrument)
1. Duruoz, M. T., Cerrahoglu, L., Dincer-Turan, Y., & Kursat, S. (2003). “Hand function assessment in patients receiving haemodialysis.” Swiss Medical Weekly, 133(31-32): 433-438.
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