ASES Shoulder Score
Date of Completion : March 28, 2025
Visual ASES Scale
Total ASES Score : 0
1. Usual Work
2. Usual Sport/Leisure activity
3. Do you have shoulder pain at night?
Yes (0)
No (0)
4. Do you take painkillers such as paracetamol (acetaminophen), diclofenac, or ibuprofen?
Yes (0)
No (0)
5. Do you take strong pain killers such as codeine, tramadol, or morphine?
Yes (0)
No (0)
6. How many pills do you take on an average day?
7. Intensity of pain?
Pain as bad as it can be (0)
9 (5)
8 (10)
7 (15)
6 (20)
5 (25)
4 (30)
3 (35)
2 (40)
1 (45)
No pain at all (50)
8. Is it difficult for you to put on a coat?
Unable to do (0)
Very difficult to do (1.67)
Somewhat difficult (3.33)
Not difficult (5)
9. Is it difficult for you to sleep on the affected side?
Unable to do (0)
Very difficult to do (1.67)
Somewhat difficult (3.33)
Not difficult (5)
10. Is it difficult for you to wash your back/do up bra?
Unable to do (0)
Very difficult to do (1.67)
Somewhat difficult (3.33)
Not difficult (5)
11. Is it difficult for you to manage toileting?
Unable to do (0)
Very difficult to do (1.67)
Somewhat difficult (3.33)
Not difficult (5)
12. Is it difficult for you to comb your hair?
Unable to do (0)
Very difficult to do (1.67)
Somewhat difficult (3.33)
Not difficult (5)
13. Is it difficult for you to reach a high shelf?
Unable to do (0)
Very difficult to do (1.67)
Somewhat difficult (3.33)
Not difficult (5)
14. Is it difficult for you to lift 10lbs (4.5kg) above your shoulder?
Unable to do (0)
Very difficult to do (1.67)
Somewhat difficult (3.33)
Not difficult (5)
15. Is it difficult for you to throw a ball overhand?
Unable to do (0)
Very difficult to do (1.67)
Somewhat difficult (3.33)
Not difficult (5)
16. Is it difficult for you to do your usual work?
Unable to do (0)
Very difficult to do (1.67)
Somewhat difficult (3.33)
Not difficult (5)
17. Is it difficult for you to do your usual sport/leisure activity?
Unable to do (0)
Very difficult to do (1.67)
Somewhat difficult (3.33)
Not difficult (5)
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