How do epley and sémont-toupet maneuvers compare in inducing liberatory signs?

In 2012, a study conducted by Toupet, et. al., aimed at identifying the most effective repositioning maneuvers for treating benign positional paroxysmal vertigo (BPPV), researchers compared the efficiency of the Epley (Ep) and Sémont-Toupet (ST) maneuvers. Additionally, the study evaluated the impact of postmaneuver restrictions on vertigo and dizziness, using an analog visual scale (VAS) for assessment. The study included 226 adult patients diagnosed with … Continue reading How do epley and sémont-toupet maneuvers compare in inducing liberatory signs?

How does physiotherapy impact postural performance and symptomatology in cervical-origin dizziness: A randomized controlled trial?

In 1996, Karlberg, et. al.,  sought to assess postural performance in patients experiencing dizziness suspected to originate from cervical factors. After excluding extracervical causes in 22 patients (15 women, 2 men, mean age 37 years), physiotherapy interventions were employed, and their effects on postural performance and subjective complaints of neck pain and dizziness were evaluated. The study, conducted at primary care centers and a tertiary … Continue reading How does physiotherapy impact postural performance and symptomatology in cervical-origin dizziness: A randomized controlled trial?

Can a Combination of Maneuvers Revolutionize BPPV Treatment?

In a study conducted in 2014, researchers have explored a novel approach to treating benign positional paroxysmal vertigo (BPPV) of the posterior semicircular canal. This common vestibular disorder, characterized by sudden, intense vertigo spells, can significantly affect an individual’s quality of life. The study, conducted by Tan Wang, Fengwei An, Cuili Xie, Jianqiu Chen, Chunsheng Zhu, and Ying Wang, investigated the combination of the Epley … Continue reading Can a Combination of Maneuvers Revolutionize BPPV Treatment?

Can vestibular rehabilitation exercises revolutionize acute vertigo treatment?

Vertigo, a distressing sensation of dizziness and imbalance, often results from peripheral vestibular disorders. In a pioneering effort to address this issue, Alessandra R. Venosa, et. al.,(2007) conducted a prospective randomized trial aimed at assessing the efficacy of vestibular rehabilitation exercises during the initial stages of these disorders. The study, characterized by its rigorous design, enrolled a total of 87 patients who were experiencing acute … Continue reading Can vestibular rehabilitation exercises revolutionize acute vertigo treatment?

Does adding postural restriction enhance BPPV therapeutic outcomes?

In 2006, study conducted by Burak O Cakir, et. al., which deals the effectiveness of postural restriction as an adjunct to canalith repositioning in treating benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) has been investigated. This prospective trial aimed to shed light on the potential benefits of incorporating postural restrictions following the canalith repositioning procedure, a widely used method for BPPV treatment. BPPV, a common vestibular disorder … Continue reading Does adding postural restriction enhance BPPV therapeutic outcomes?