How many patients participated in the study, and how were they divided among the treatment groups?

In 2012, Xu, et. al., conducted a study has demonstrated that the traditional Chinese medicine techniques of coiling dragon needling and moving cupping on the back may offer superior therapeutic benefits for chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) compared to the conventional Western treatment with Prednisone. The study aimed to compare the effectiveness of a combined therapy of coiling dragon needling and back cupping with that of … Continue reading How many patients participated in the study, and how were they divided among the treatment groups?

How effective is traditional chinese medicine for treating osteoporosis in the elderly?

In 2012, a groundbreaking study highlights the potential of acupuncture and Tuina therapy in addressing senile osteoporosis associated with kidney deficiency. The research, conducted by Tong Wang and colleagues, explored the biomechanical impacts of these traditional therapies and compared their efficacy to conventional calcium carbonate treatment. Osteoporosis, a prevalent concern among the elderly, often leads to significant morbidity due to fractures and skeletal deformities. The … Continue reading How effective is traditional chinese medicine for treating osteoporosis in the elderly?

Can innovative tuina manipulations revolutionize treatment for cervical spondylosis?

In 2012, a recent study led by Quanmao Ding and colleagues has unveiled significant advancements in the treatment of vertebral artery type cervical spondylosis using innovative Tuina manipulations. This novel approach not only improves clinical symptoms more effectively but also reduces the required number of treatments compared to traditional methods. The study, involving 126 patients diagnosed with this specific type of cervical spondylosis, divided participants … Continue reading Can innovative tuina manipulations revolutionize treatment for cervical spondylosis?

Does Jingjin therapy offer a non-medical solution to migraine management? A comparative analysis

In 2006, a study by Jin-jun Huang, et. al., the efficacy of Jingjin therapy in treating migraine was investigated, aiming to explore a non-medical approach for managing this debilitating condition. The study involved 100 migraine patients randomly allocated into two groups: an observation group and a control group, with 50 participants each. The observation group received Jingjin therapy, while the control group was administered oral … Continue reading Does Jingjin therapy offer a non-medical solution to migraine management? A comparative analysis

Unlocking the secrets: How effective is acupressure in enhancing institutionalized elderly sleep?

In 1999, Chen, et. al., conducted study about Disturbed sleep which is a prevalent concern among the elderly population, prompting the exploration of alternative therapeutic interventions. Drawing on traditional Chinese medicine, which suggests that acupressure induces sedation, a meticulously designed scientific study was conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of acupressure in ameliorating sleep quality among institutionalized residents. Utilizing a randomized block experimental design, participants with … Continue reading Unlocking the secrets: How effective is acupressure in enhancing institutionalized elderly sleep?