Does massage therapy enhance vascular recovery post-exercise?

In 2014, a study conducted at a clinical research center, researchers have found that massage therapy (MT) can significantly improve peripheral vascular function following exercise-induced muscle injury. The study, led by Nina C. Franklin and her colleagues, explored the impact of MT on vascular endothelial function in the upper extremities, particularly after intense lower-body exertion. The study involved 36 sedentary young adults who were randomly … Continue reading Does massage therapy enhance vascular recovery post-exercise?

How effective is massage therapy in alleviating chemotherapy side effects for pediatric cancer patients?

Chemotherapy, a life-saving treatment for cancer, often brings about distressing side effects, particularly nausea and vomiting. These symptoms can be so severe that they hinder the completion of treatment. Traditional antiemetics, while helpful, come with their own side effects and don’t always provide complete relief. Seeking alternative solutions, a recent study explored the potential of massage therapy to mitigate these symptoms in pediatric cancer patients. … Continue reading How effective is massage therapy in alleviating chemotherapy side effects for pediatric cancer patients?