Exploring the efficacy of chiropractic care: Does spinal manipulation reduce migraine frequency and severity?

In a comprehensive six-month randomized controlled trial conducted at the Chiropractic Research Center of Macquarie University, researchers, led by P. J. Tuchin, et. al.,(2000) aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of chiropractic spinal manipulative therapy (SMT) in treating migraine. The trial, comprising three stages, involved data collection before and after a two-month treatment period, comparing outcomes between an SMT group and a control group. A total … Continue reading Exploring the efficacy of chiropractic care: Does spinal manipulation reduce migraine frequency and severity?

How does yogic practice influence stress and well-being in individuals living with HIV/AIDS?

In 2006, Brazier, et. al., aimed to investigate the effectiveness of a specialized group program geared towards enhancing the overall well-being of individuals dealing with the challenges of HIV/AIDS. This program centered around yogic breathing, movement, and meditation techniques, and was conducted in a residential setting. Employing a randomized controlled trial, the researchers recruited 62 participants from community HIV/AIDS organizations, with 47 participants completing the … Continue reading How does yogic practice influence stress and well-being in individuals living with HIV/AIDS?

Is massage therapy beneficial for immune health in moderately immunocompromised HIV subjects?

In 2000, birk, et. al., conducted study about the effects of massage therapy, which includes both alone and in conjunction with other complementary therapies, on immune system indicators and quality of life among individuals with moderately compromised immune systems due to human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), a randomized prospective controlled trial was conducted. Forty-two HIV-positive subjects, comprising 40 males and 2 females aged between 27 and … Continue reading Is massage therapy beneficial for immune health in moderately immunocompromised HIV subjects?