How effective is yoga in improving employee well-being?

In 2012, a study highlights the significant benefits of yoga for reducing perceived stress and alleviating back pain in the workplace. Conducted by researchers N. Hartfiel, C. Burton, J. Rycroft-Malone, G. Clarke, J. Havenhand, S. B. Khalsa, and R. T. Edwards, the study addresses two primary factors contributing to workplace absenteeism: stress and back pain. The research team aimed to determine the effectiveness of a … Continue reading How effective is yoga in improving employee well-being?

Does a six-week yoga program improve workplace stress resilience?

Recent research highlights a growing concern over stress levels and emotional well-being among university staff. In 2011, a study conducted by Ned Hartfiel, Jon Havenhand, Sat Bir Khalsa, Graham Clarke, and Anne Krayer explores the potential of yoga to mitigate these issues. This study, conducted at a British university, examined whether a six-week Dru Yoga program could enhance emotional well-being and resilience to stress among … Continue reading Does a six-week yoga program improve workplace stress resilience?

How effective is progressive muscle relaxation in easing anxiety for those with acute schizophrenia?

In a recent study conducted by Wen-Chun Chen and colleagues, the efficacy of progressive muscle relaxation training in reducing anxiety among patients with acute schizophrenia was investigated. Prior research has suggested that progressive muscle relaxation training holds promise in mitigating the psychological impacts of anxiety. Moreover, it has shown effectiveness in addressing distress symptoms associated with schizophrenia. The study, designed as an experimental randomized controlled … Continue reading How effective is progressive muscle relaxation in easing anxiety for those with acute schizophrenia?

Exploring the efficacy of chiropractic care: Does spinal manipulation reduce migraine frequency and severity?

In a comprehensive six-month randomized controlled trial conducted at the Chiropractic Research Center of Macquarie University, researchers, led by P. J. Tuchin, et. al.,(2000) aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of chiropractic spinal manipulative therapy (SMT) in treating migraine. The trial, comprising three stages, involved data collection before and after a two-month treatment period, comparing outcomes between an SMT group and a control group. A total … Continue reading Exploring the efficacy of chiropractic care: Does spinal manipulation reduce migraine frequency and severity?

How does yogic practice influence stress and well-being in individuals living with HIV/AIDS?

In 2006, Brazier, et. al., aimed to investigate the effectiveness of a specialized group program geared towards enhancing the overall well-being of individuals dealing with the challenges of HIV/AIDS. This program centered around yogic breathing, movement, and meditation techniques, and was conducted in a residential setting. Employing a randomized controlled trial, the researchers recruited 62 participants from community HIV/AIDS organizations, with 47 participants completing the … Continue reading How does yogic practice influence stress and well-being in individuals living with HIV/AIDS?