Can anesthesia provide true blinding for spinal manipulation therapy? A breakthrough study reveals

In a groundbreaking study conducted at the University of Alberta Hospital, researchers have discovered a method to achieve true blinding for subjects undergoing spinal manipulative therapy (SMT). In 2009, led by Gregory N Kawchuk and his team, the study aimed to determine if short-duration anesthesia could effectively mask subjects’ awareness of whether they received SMT or not. Published in the Archives of physical medicine and … Continue reading Can anesthesia provide true blinding for spinal manipulation therapy? A breakthrough study reveals

Can vertebral manipulation offer short-term relief for chronic low back pain?

In 2007, Ghroubi, et. al., conducted study about Chronic low back pain (CLBP) which presents a significant challenge in healthcare, prompting exploration into various treatment modalities. Among these, vertebral manipulation (VM) has gained attention for its potential therapeutic benefits. This study aimed to evaluate the short-term effectiveness of VM in alleviating CLBP and associated disability. In this randomized controlled trial, sixty-four CLBP patients were randomly … Continue reading Can vertebral manipulation offer short-term relief for chronic low back pain?