How effective is Tai Chi for elderly balance and sleep?

In 2012, a randomized controlled trial, researchers Manh Hung Nguyen and Andreas Kruse have uncovered compelling evidence supporting the benefits of Tai chi for elderly individuals. Conducted in Vinh city, Vietnam, the study aimed to evaluate the effects of Tai chi on balance, sleep quality, and cognitive performance among community-dwelling seniors. The trial involved 102 elderly participants who were randomly assigned to either a Tai … Continue reading How effective is Tai Chi for elderly balance and sleep?

Can Tai Chi exercise enhance sleep stability in Chronic heart failure patients?

In 2008 study conducted by Gloria Y. Yeh, et. al., the potential benefits of Tai Chi exercise on sleep stability in individuals with chronic heart failure were investigated. The study, which utilized a novel method called the sleep spectrogram, aimed to assess the effects of a 12-week Tai Chi program on sleep patterns. The research involved 18 patients with chronic stable heart failure, characterized by … Continue reading Can Tai Chi exercise enhance sleep stability in Chronic heart failure patients?

Unlocking the secrets: How effective is acupressure in enhancing institutionalized elderly sleep?

In 1999, Chen, et. al., conducted study about Disturbed sleep which is a prevalent concern among the elderly population, prompting the exploration of alternative therapeutic interventions. Drawing on traditional Chinese medicine, which suggests that acupressure induces sedation, a meticulously designed scientific study was conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of acupressure in ameliorating sleep quality among institutionalized residents. Utilizing a randomized block experimental design, participants with … Continue reading Unlocking the secrets: How effective is acupressure in enhancing institutionalized elderly sleep?

Can a brief back massage improve sleep in dementia patients?

In 2012, Harris, et. al., aimed to investigate the potential benefits of a brief 3-minute slow-stroke back massage (SSBM) on the total duration of nighttime sleep among individuals aged 65 years and older, living with dementia, and experiencing sleep disturbances in nursing homes. Conducted as a pilot randomized controlled trial, the study involved 40 participants who were randomly assigned to either an intervention group (n … Continue reading Can a brief back massage improve sleep in dementia patients?