Is percutaneous disk decompression the superior choice for managing intervertebral disk herniation pain?

In 2011, a groundbreaking study conducted by a Erginousakis, et. al., including Dimitrios Erginousakis and colleagues, has shed new light on the treatment of intervertebral disk herniation. The study meticulously compared the outcomes of conservative therapy and percutaneous disk decompression (PDD) in alleviating pain and enhancing mobility over short, intermediate, and long-term periods. The research, approved by both a university ethics panel and an institutional … Continue reading Is percutaneous disk decompression the superior choice for managing intervertebral disk herniation pain?

Can sciatica treatment options deliver promising results? A pilot study analysis

In 2004, a pilot study led by Gert Bronfort, et. al., aimed to assess the feasibility of recruiting patients with sciatica and evaluating their compliance for a potential larger randomized clinical trial. The study also sought to gauge the responsiveness of key outcome measures associated with different treatment modalities. Thirty-two participants were randomly assigned to one of three groups: spinal manipulation (n=11), epidural steroid injections … Continue reading Can sciatica treatment options deliver promising results? A pilot study analysis

Neurodynamic Assessment

A neurodynamic test checks the length, mobility and mechanical sensitivity of the neurological tissues (1). For a neurodynamic test to be positive, the limb/joint positioning sequence should reproduce the patient’s symptoms associated with radiculopathy along with/without a measurable asymmetry between left and right sides. A positive neurodynamic test indicates multiple pathogeneses, which may include increased tension in the dura mater and the nerves, compression on … Continue reading Neurodynamic Assessment

Bilateral Straight Leg Raise Test

Purpose of Bilateral Straight Leg Raise Test: To test if the tension along the sciatic nerve, tibial nerve, L4,5,S1 nerve roots (1), conus medullaris (2), and the adjacent dura to the spinal cord (3) contribute to the neurologic symptoms associated with radiculopathy (4-6). Patient position: Supine lying. Examiner position: Standing beside the examination table, facing the patient. Procedure: Perform the limb/joint positioning sequence in the … Continue reading Bilateral Straight Leg Raise Test

Straight Leg Raise Test 6

Straight Leg Raise Test 6 – Modified for patients who cannot lie supine Purpose of Straight Leg Raise Test 6: To test if the tension along the sciatic nerve, tibial nerve, L4,5,S1 nerve roots (1), conus medullaris (2), and the adjacent dura to the spinal cord (3) contribute to the neurologic symptoms associated with radiculopathy (4). Patient position: Side-lying with a pillow in-between two legs, … Continue reading Straight Leg Raise Test 6