How cost-effective is physical therapy in reflex sympathetic dystrophy?

In 1999, Severens, et. al., conducted study about Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD) which poses a challenging scenario for patients, particularly in the realm of treatment effectiveness and associated costs. In an effort to shed light on this matter, a two-center randomized clinical trial was conducted to compare the cost-effectiveness of adjuvant treatments, specifically pairwise physical therapy (PT), occupational therapy (OT), and control treatment (CT). The … Continue reading How cost-effective is physical therapy in reflex sympathetic dystrophy?

Can prolonged stretching with splints significantly improve knee flexion contractures in the elderly?

In 1995, a recent study conducted by T. M. Steffen, et. al., the effectiveness of prolonged stretch therapy, implemented through the use of a splint, was assessed in comparison to a conventional program involving passive range of motion (PROM). The primary objective was to determine whether prolonged stretch could yield superior outcomes in reducing knee flexion contractures in a cohort of nursing home residents. A … Continue reading Can prolonged stretching with splints significantly improve knee flexion contractures in the elderly?

Does early exercise intervention alleviate low back pain post lumbar microdiscectomy?

In 2021, a study conducted by Lorraine LeBlanc, et. al., deals the effects of early versus late exercise intervention on low back pain, fear avoidance, neurodynamic mobility, and function were investigated following a unilateral lumbar microdiscectomy. Lumbar microdiscectomy is a common surgical procedure for disc-related back issues, and exercise is often recommended postoperatively. However, the optimal timing and protocols for exercise intervention remain contentious. Forty … Continue reading Does early exercise intervention alleviate low back pain post lumbar microdiscectomy?

Enhancing Sensory Recovery: Is early tactile stimulation the key to digital nerve injury rehabilitation?

Digital nerves, crucial components of our peripheral nervous system, are susceptible to injuries that can lead to diminished sensory function. Among peripheral nerve injuries, digital nerve injuries are the most prevalent. Ensuring optimal recovery of functional sensibility in such cases is of paramount importance. In this pursuit, a groundbreaking prospective randomized controlled study, conducted by A.S. Cheng, et. al., (2000) explores the potential benefits of … Continue reading Enhancing Sensory Recovery: Is early tactile stimulation the key to digital nerve injury rehabilitation?