Does sports massage accelerate recovery from eccentric exercise? A critical evaluation

The utilization of sports massage within the athletic community is widespread, yet its therapeutic benefits remain a subject of limited empirical evidence. In 2004, the investigation conducted by Sven Jönhagen, et. al.,  sought to elucidate the potential of sports massage in augmenting recovery following eccentric exercise, a common modality in athletic training. The hypothesis posited that sports massage intervention could mitigate the adverse effects of … Continue reading Does sports massage accelerate recovery from eccentric exercise? A critical evaluation

Does soft tissue release help relieve muscle soreness?

In 2009, Micklewright, et. al., conducted study about Delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) which is a common discomfort experienced after intense exercise. Researchers are constantly exploring various interventions to alleviate this sensation, one of which is soft tissue release (STR). This pilot study aimed to investigate the effects of STR on DOMS following eccentric elbow extensions. A mixed-subjects experimental design was employed, with twenty male … Continue reading Does soft tissue release help relieve muscle soreness?

Rethinking achilles tendon rupture treatment: can early motion replace surgery?

In a groundbreaking study conducted by Bruce C Twaddle, et. al., (2007) the conventional wisdom surrounding the treatment of Achilles tendon ruptures has been challenged. The study, titled “Early motion for Achilles tendon ruptures: is surgery important? A randomized, prospective study,” explores the intriguing question of whether surgery truly holds the key to optimal recovery, or if controlled early motion can be just as effective. … Continue reading Rethinking achilles tendon rupture treatment: can early motion replace surgery?

Do exercise approaches affect recovery in post-op breast cancer patients?

Breast cancer treatment often involves surgical interventions, such as radical mastectomy or quadrantectomy with axillary dissection. A critical aspect of post-operative care is physiotherapy, which aids in recovery and reduces complications. To delve into the effectiveness of different exercise approaches, researchers led by Laura Ferreira de Rezende, et. al., (2006) conducted a randomized clinical trial involving 60 women. The primary objective of the study was … Continue reading Do exercise approaches affect recovery in post-op breast cancer patients?

Do Postoperative Rehabilitation Programs Improve Spinal Surgery Outcomes? Patient Perspectives and Compliance Evaluation

Postoperative rehabilitation programs play a crucial role in enhancing patient outcomes following spinal surgery. However, the effectiveness of such programs remains uncertain, prompting a comprehensive evaluation of their content and style. In a recent multicenter, randomized controlled trial, conducted by Alison H McGregor, et. al., (2012) patients were invited to assess a rehabilitation program implemented as an intervention for postoperative management after spinal surgery. The … Continue reading Do Postoperative Rehabilitation Programs Improve Spinal Surgery Outcomes? Patient Perspectives and Compliance Evaluation