How effective is yoga in improving employee well-being?

In 2012, a study highlights the significant benefits of yoga for reducing perceived stress and alleviating back pain in the workplace. Conducted by researchers N. Hartfiel, C. Burton, J. Rycroft-Malone, G. Clarke, J. Havenhand, S. B. Khalsa, and R. T. Edwards, the study addresses two primary factors contributing to workplace absenteeism: stress and back pain. The research team aimed to determine the effectiveness of a … Continue reading How effective is yoga in improving employee well-being?

Can yoga improve psychological well-being in older adults?

In 2014, a randomized controlled trial conducted by Kimberlee Bethany Bonura and Gershon Tenenbaum aimed to investigate the influence of a yoga intervention on the psychological health of older adults. This study was carried out at two North Florida facilities catering to the older population, with a focus on participants aged 65 to 92. The research involved 98 older adults who were randomly assigned to … Continue reading Can yoga improve psychological well-being in older adults?