Which is more effective for labor pain relief: Birth ball or heat therapy?

Labor pain management is a critical concern for women in labor, their families, and healthcare providers. This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of two non-pharmacological methods—birth ball usage and sacrum-perineal heat therapy—in alleviating labor pain. In 206, Taavoni, et.al., conducted the study which was a randomized controlled trial conducted on 90 primiparous women aged between 18 and 35 years. Participants were randomly divided into … Continue reading Which is more effective for labor pain relief: Birth ball or heat therapy?

How Does Massage Therapy Impact Satisfaction Levels in Primiparous Women During Labor?

In 2012, Mortazavi, et. al., conducted a study related to Massage therapy which has gained recognition as a complementary strategy for managing pain and promoting well-being during labor. The presence of an attendant, providing emotional support and guidance, also plays a crucial role in the childbirth experience. In this study, researchers aimed to investigate the effects of massage therapy and the presence of an attendant … Continue reading How Does Massage Therapy Impact Satisfaction Levels in Primiparous Women During Labor?