Does neural mobilization enhance electromyography function in leprosy treatment?

In 2012, a groundbreaking study led by Larissa Sales Téles Véras and her team, including researchers Rodrigo Gomes de Souza Vale, Danielli Braga de Mello, José Adail Fonseca de Castro, Vicente Lima, Alexis Trott, and Estélio Henrique Martin Dantas, has revealed significant benefits of neural mobilization for leprosy patients. This innovative technique has shown promise in enhancing electromyography function, reducing disability, and alleviating pain. The … Continue reading Does neural mobilization enhance electromyography function in leprosy treatment?

Which treatment approach prevails in whiplash-associated disorders: Early active mobilization or standard protocols?

In 2000, Rosenfeld, et. al., conducted study about Whiplash-associated disorders (WAD) which resulting from motor vehicle collisions pose a significant challenge in terms of management, with limited compelling evidence available. Previous studies have suggested that active treatment during the acute stage may be more beneficial than rest and the use of a soft collar. This study aimed to compare the effectiveness of early active mobilization … Continue reading Which treatment approach prevails in whiplash-associated disorders: Early active mobilization or standard protocols?

Does early ambulation improve patient comfort and reduce back pain after cardiac angiogram?

In 1994, Barkman, et. al., conducted a pilot study at a Western Canadian University-affiliated tertiary care hospital, we aimed to investigate the effects of early ambulation (at 3 hours post-cardiac angiogram) compared to standard ambulation time (at 6 hours post-cardiac angiogram) on delayed bleeding, pain levels, and anxiety in patients. The study involved thirty-nine patients who underwent cardiac angiograms, randomly assigned to either the experimental … Continue reading Does early ambulation improve patient comfort and reduce back pain after cardiac angiogram?

Can massage therapy revolutionize cardiac surgery recovery?

Cardiac surgery, a life-saving medical procedure, often comes with its share of physical and emotional challenges for patients. In 2012 groundbreaking study led by Lesley A. Braun, et. al., the potential benefits of massage therapy for cardiac surgery patients were explored. The study aimed to investigate whether massage could significantly reduce anxiety, pain, muscular tension, and enhance relaxation compared to a period of rest after … Continue reading Can massage therapy revolutionize cardiac surgery recovery?

Does adding ice therapy improve exercise-based treatment for tennis elbow?

In 2006, Manias, et. al., conducted study about Lateral elbow tendinopathy (LET), which is commonly known as tennis elbow, is a painful condition that affects the tendons on the outer side of the elbow. Although exercise programs have been suggested for LET management, the potential benefits of incorporating ice therapy into such programs remain largely unexplored. This study aimed to investigate whether supplementing an exercise … Continue reading Does adding ice therapy improve exercise-based treatment for tennis elbow?