Which treatment triumphs? Evaluating thoracic manipulations vs. physiotherapeutic exercises for neck-shoulder pain

In 2004, a randomized controlled trial conducted by Aslak Savolainen, et. al., the efficacy of two treatment modalities for neck-shoulder pain in occupational health care settings was investigated. The study aimed to compare the effectiveness of thoracic manipulations against instructions for physiotherapeutic exercises in alleviating neck pain. Seventy-five participants, aged between 30 to 55 years and selected from a pool of 241 employees of the … Continue reading Which treatment triumphs? Evaluating thoracic manipulations vs. physiotherapeutic exercises for neck-shoulder pain

Centeralisation phenomena: the complete guide to understanding the most popular finding during orthopaedic physical examination

Introduction The increasing reduction and elimination of distal pain in response to therapeutic loading procedures is referred to as centralization. During the decrease of a derangement, centralization occurs. This blog provides a full discussion of the phenomenon as well as an overview of its features. Definition Centralisation is the process by which the distal pain coming from the spine is gradually eliminated from distal to … Continue reading Centeralisation phenomena: the complete guide to understanding the most popular finding during orthopaedic physical examination

Is mulligan mobilization more effective than muscle energy technique?

In 2021, Manzoor, et. al., conducted quasi-experimental study, at the Physiotherapy Department of Mayo Hospital in Lahore, Pakistan, aimed to compare the effectiveness of muscle energy technique and Mulligan mobilization in patients experiencing non-specific neck pain. The study, conducted from March to September 2017, involved participants of any gender with non-specific neck pain, divided into two groups. Group 1 received muscle energy technique, while Group … Continue reading Is mulligan mobilization more effective than muscle energy technique?

Are Psychological Processes Essential in Decision-Making for Neck Pain Treatment Options?

In 2017, Groeneweg, et. al., conducted a study about psychosocial variables that play a crucial role in influencing treatment outcomes for patients with neck pain. This study aimed to investigate whether psychosocial factors, alongside clinical variables, could serve as predictive factors for treatment success in individuals with sub-acute and chronic non-specific neck pain undergoing physical therapy or manual therapy. The psychosocial factors considered in this … Continue reading Are Psychological Processes Essential in Decision-Making for Neck Pain Treatment Options?

Can Combined Manual Therapies Improve Subacute and Chronic Neck Pain?

In 2008, the feasibility study conducted by Strunk, et. al., investigated the effectiveness of manual therapies in treating patients with subacute or chronic neck pain. The study aimed to develop and test protocols for a randomized clinical trial that combined high-velocity, low-amplitude spinal manipulation (HVLA SM) on the thoracic spine and sacroiliac joint, along with cervical spine postisometric relaxation. Additionally, the study examined the outcomes … Continue reading Can Combined Manual Therapies Improve Subacute and Chronic Neck Pain?