How does laser therapy compare to ultrasound and ischemic compression for pain management?

In 2012, Kannan, et. al., conducted study about Myofascial pain syndrome, which often rooted in the upper trapezius, presents a significant therapeutic challenge due to its impact on pain and range of motion. In a recent study, researchers set out to identify the most effective treatment for myofascial trigger points (MTPs), comparing therapeutic ultrasound, laser therapy, and ischemic compression over a five-day trial period. The … Continue reading How does laser therapy compare to ultrasound and ischemic compression for pain management?

What are the short-term effects of physiotherapy and counseling in temporomandibular disorder patients with myofascial pain?

In 2000, Michelotti, et. al., conducted study about Temporomandibular disorders (TMD) which encompass a range of painful conditions affecting the jaw muscles and joints, with myofascial pain being one of the common manifestations. To address this issue, a recent controlled clinical trial aimed to assess the short-term effects of physiotherapy and counseling as potential treatments for myofascial pain in TMD patients. The study involved forty … Continue reading What are the short-term effects of physiotherapy and counseling in temporomandibular disorder patients with myofascial pain?