Clinician Generated Forces

Clinician generated forces refer to the external forces exerted by the clinician on a patient’s body segment to diagnose, treat, and/or to facilitate recovery. Clinician generated forces can be exerted through various techniques, such as joint glides, thrusts, or the use of mechanical devices to assist in the diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation of various conditions. For example, sustained pressure or repetitive joint glides may help … Continue reading Clinician Generated Forces

Can workplace interventions alleviate chronic lower back pain? A french automotive industry study

In 2011, a randomized controlled trial conducted by Hala Nassif and colleagues aimed to assess the effectiveness of a specific workplace intervention for managing chronic lower back pain (LBP) among assembly workers in the French automotive industry. The study, carried out on-site at a French automotive manufacturer, recruited 75 volunteers who were randomly assigned to either an experimental group (n=37) or a control group (n=38). … Continue reading Can workplace interventions alleviate chronic lower back pain? A french automotive industry study