What factors contribute to high fall rates in people with multiple sclerosis?

Falls are a significant concern for individuals living with multiple sclerosis (MS), particularly those who rely on walking aids for mobility. In 2013, a study conducted by Susan Coote, et. al., aimed to investigate the prevalence of falls, identify factors associated with falling, and assess the impact of balance and strength interventions on falls in people with MS. The study involved 111 participants with MS … Continue reading What factors contribute to high fall rates in people with multiple sclerosis?

Can sports climbing and yoga alleviate symptoms in multiple sclerosis patients?

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a complex neurological condition that can significantly diminish a patient’s quality of life. Symptoms such as spasticity, cognitive impairment, depression, and fatigue are common and challenging to manage. Traditional medical treatments have limitations, prompting researchers to investigate non-pharmacological approaches to alleviate these symptoms. In 2010 a randomized prospective study, Orjana Velikonja, et. al., explored the effects of sports climbing (SC) and … Continue reading Can sports climbing and yoga alleviate symptoms in multiple sclerosis patients?

Which approach is better for multiple sclerosis patients: Individualized rehabilitation or group wellness?

In 2009, study by Matthew A. Plow, et. al., delved into the efficacy of two interventions designed to promote health and physical activity in individuals with multiple sclerosis (MS). Multiple sclerosis is a challenging neurological condition that can significantly impact an individual’s quality of life, making interventions aimed at improving physical and mental health critical. The research employed a randomized clinical trial with a time … Continue reading Which approach is better for multiple sclerosis patients: Individualized rehabilitation or group wellness?

Can multidisciplinary rehabilitation improve the lives of stable MS patients?

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a complex neurological condition that often requires comprehensive treatment approaches to address the diverse range of symptoms and challenges patients face. In this study conducted by L.K. Storr, et. al.,(2006) the focus was on evaluating the short-term effectiveness of multidisciplinary, inpatient rehabilitation for individuals with stable MS. The research followed a rigorous double-blind, randomized, parallel group design. The intervention group received … Continue reading Can multidisciplinary rehabilitation improve the lives of stable MS patients?

Which Yoga Approach is More Effective in Reducing Fatigue in Multiple Sclerosis: Group or Individualized Exercise?

In 2015, Karbandi, et. al., conducted study about Multiple sclerosis which is a debilitating condition that exerts a significant physical and emotional toll on individuals affected by the disease. Fatigue is a common symptom experienced by patients with multiple sclerosis and can significantly impact their quality of life. To address this issue, researchers conducted a clinical trial to compare the effectiveness of individualized versus group-based … Continue reading Which Yoga Approach is More Effective in Reducing Fatigue in Multiple Sclerosis: Group or Individualized Exercise?