How effective are breathing techniques in treating inflammatory bowel disease?

In 2015, a study offers compelling evidence that integrating mind-body practices into the treatment of Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) can significantly improve both psychological and physical symptoms, as well as reduce inflammation. Conducted by a team of researchers including Patricia L. Gerbarg, Vinita E. Jacob, and Ellen J. Scherl, the study focused on the effects of the Breath-Body-Mind Workshop (BBMW)—a program combining breathing techniques, movement, … Continue reading How effective are breathing techniques in treating inflammatory bowel disease?

Does movement music therapy enhance physical fitness in older adults?

Recent studies have highlighted the significant physical and immunological benefits of exercise for older adults. Now, groundbreaking research suggests that incorporating music and rhythmic movement into exercise programs may offer even greater advantages. In 2013, a new study conducted by a team of researchers, including Nobuko Shimizu and colleagues, investigates the impact of a novel Movement Music Therapy (MMT) using Naruko clappers on the health … Continue reading Does movement music therapy enhance physical fitness in older adults?

How effective are non-aerobic exercises for cognitive health in Alzheimer’s patients?

In 2011, a pilot study conducted by researchers have found that non-aerobic movement-based activities can significantly improve certain cognitive functions in patients with Alzheimer’s type dementia (AD). Conducted by Lidia Yágüez, Kendra N. Shaw, Robin Morris, and David Matthews, the study aimed to explore the effects of movement-based exercises on cognition in individuals diagnosed with AD. The study involved 27 patients who met the ICD-10 … Continue reading How effective are non-aerobic exercises for cognitive health in Alzheimer’s patients?