Does adaptive yoga improve mental health for individuals with spinal cord injuries?

In 2017, Curtis, K, et. al., conducted randomized controlled trial which has provided evidence that yoga could offer significant psychological benefits for individuals living with spinal cord injuries (SCI). Conducted by a team of researchers led by Kathryn Curtis, this study explored how a specialized yoga program could impact pain, mental health, and mindfulness in SCI patients. The trial involved 23 participants with SCI who … Continue reading Does adaptive yoga improve mental health for individuals with spinal cord injuries?

Could yoga improve outcomes for chronic schizophrenia patients?

Schizophrenia, a severe mental disorder characterized by profound disruptions in thinking, perception, and emotional responsiveness, has long been treated primarily with pharmacological and psychosocial interventions. However, recent research suggests that Yoga therapy could play a vital role in enhancing the management of this challenging condition. In 2015, a study conducted by Babu Paikkatt and colleagues at a leading psychiatric institute has shed light on the … Continue reading Could yoga improve outcomes for chronic schizophrenia patients?

How does Tai Chi impact anxiety and well-being in elderly patients?

In 2014, a study led by Qing-Hua Song and colleagues has highlighted the benefits of Tai Chi exercise for elderly patients suffering from anxiety disorders. The study, conducted with 32 elderly participants, aimed to evaluate the impact of Tai Chi on both physical and mental health when used alongside conventional drug therapy. The participants were divided into two groups: a control group receiving only drug … Continue reading How does Tai Chi impact anxiety and well-being in elderly patients?

How effective Is yoga in reducing Menopausal symptoms and Insomnia?

In 2012, a pioneering randomized clinical trial conducted by researchers. They have found that yoga can significantly reduce insomnia and climacteric symptoms in postmenopausal women. The study, led by Rui Ferreira Afonso and his team, sheds new light on the potential of yoga to enhance physical and mental health in this demographic. While yoga’s positive effects on insomnia and climacteric symptoms have been previously documented, … Continue reading How effective Is yoga in reducing Menopausal symptoms and Insomnia?

How effective are yoga and aerobic exercise in reducing psychological stress for schizophrenia?

In 2011, a pilot study reveals promising results for individuals with schizophrenia, demonstrating significant reductions in state anxiety and psychological stress, along with enhanced subjective well-being, following sessions of yoga and aerobic exercise. The study, conducted by a team led by Davy Vancampfort and colleagues, aimed to explore effective coping strategies for stress and anxiety, which are known to exacerbate symptoms of schizophrenia. The researchers … Continue reading How effective are yoga and aerobic exercise in reducing psychological stress for schizophrenia?