How effective are non-aerobic exercises for cognitive health in Alzheimer’s patients?

In 2011, a pilot study conducted by researchers have found that non-aerobic movement-based activities can significantly improve certain cognitive functions in patients with Alzheimer’s type dementia (AD). Conducted by Lidia Yágüez, Kendra N. Shaw, Robin Morris, and David Matthews, the study aimed to explore the effects of movement-based exercises on cognition in individuals diagnosed with AD. The study involved 27 patients who met the ICD-10 … Continue reading How effective are non-aerobic exercises for cognitive health in Alzheimer’s patients?

How does non-strenuous physical exercise influence memory and visuo-motor performance in the elderly?

In 1993, Stones, et. al., aimed to investigate the acute effects of non-strenuous physical exercise on memory retrieval and visuo-motor performance in ambulatory nursing home residents of advanced age. The study employed a randomized control trial design and was conducted within the setting of a nursing home. Ambulatory volunteers (n=20) from the nursing home, all demonstrating normal mental status, were included. The participants had an … Continue reading How does non-strenuous physical exercise influence memory and visuo-motor performance in the elderly?