Discogenic back pain: part 2

Some discogenic pains cannot be cured. The following low back pain subgroups have been proposed: Mechanically reducible discogenic back pain is defined as pain that responds to mechanical loading methods. However, patients who are insensitive to mechanical loading procedures are referred to as having nonreducible discogenic back pain. Non-reducible discogenic pain (NRDP) is classified as follows: some ruptured outer annulus wall with or without radiculopathy. … Continue reading Discogenic back pain: part 2

Discogenic back pain: part 1

Introduction: Low back pain (LBP) is a complex illness that includes physiological, psychological, and brain alterations (Nijs J. et al. 2017). LBP is a complex condition that includes physiological, psychological, and neurological alterations (Nijs J. et al. 2017). Many researchers in the field of LBP, including physicians, believe that choosing the most effective treatment for the individual patient is impossible without a deeper understanding of … Continue reading Discogenic back pain: part 1

The Painful Sacroiliac Joint

A classification method based on symptom behaviour sub-grouping improves treatment outcomes, according to recent research (Fritz and George, 2000; Long et al., 2004). The association between the sacroiliac joint (SIJ) and low back pain has been a source of contention, with some researchers seeing SIJ pain as a key contribution to the problem and others dismissing it as inconsequential or irrelevant. The clinical reasoning technique … Continue reading The Painful Sacroiliac Joint

The issue with neck pain: prevelance and natural history

The history of neck pain is explained in this blog. The distribution, natural history, and clinical course of a disease are all factors that contemporary clinical epidemiology considers. We present a quick summary of these dimensions in relation to neck pain. Let’s discuss prevalence: Compared to lumbar back pain, the epidemiology of neck pain in the adult population has received less attention, although there is … Continue reading The issue with neck pain: prevelance and natural history