Management of Sciatic Scoliotic List in Lumbar Disc Herniation: Physical Therapy Approaches and Considerations

Sciatic scoliotic list (SSL) [Matsui H, et al. 1998; Krishnan KM, and Newey ML. 2001], also referred to as sciatic scoliosis [Krishnan KM, Newey ML. 2001; Kim R, et al. 2015; Zhang Y, et al. 2019], trunk list [Gillan MG, et al. 1998], or trunk shift [Wu W, et al. 2019], is observed in 13.2-17.7% of adults with lumbar disc herniation (LDH) [Kim R, et … Continue reading Management of Sciatic Scoliotic List in Lumbar Disc Herniation: Physical Therapy Approaches and Considerations

Part 4- Evidence behind McKenzie method of mechanical diagnosis and therapy

Directional preference research: Wernecke et al. (2011) define directional preference as either (1) a specific direction of trunk movement or posture observed during the physical examination or (2) a specific aggravating or easing factor reported by the patient during the subjective history that alleviates or decreases the patient’s pain, with or without the pain moving or increasing the patient’s lumbar ROM. It is possible for … Continue reading Part 4- Evidence behind McKenzie method of mechanical diagnosis and therapy

Part 3- Evidence behind McKenzie method of mechanical diagnosis and therapy

Evidence in Support of Management The randomised controlled trial is the optimal study design for evaluating therapy efficacy, with systematic reviews used to analytically summarise this evidence. Several systematic reviews have investigated the efficacy of exercise in general for back pain, with some including an analysis of McKenzie trials and others focusing particularly on the McKenzie technique. Belanger et al. (1991) discovered three scientifically admissible’ … Continue reading Part 3- Evidence behind McKenzie method of mechanical diagnosis and therapy

Lumbar Facetogenic pain

If your patients are having low back pain, it might be due to a number of factors, including lumbar facetogenic back pain. Facetogenic pain refers to discomfort that originates in the spine’s zygapophyseal joints. Prevalence: The prevalence of zygapophyseal joint pain has been estimated to be 15% of 76 (Schwarzer et al., 1994b) and 40% of 63 (Schwarzer et al., 1995b) chronic back pain patients. … Continue reading Lumbar Facetogenic pain

Discogenic back pain: part 1

Introduction: Low back pain (LBP) is a complex illness that includes physiological, psychological, and brain alterations (Nijs J. et al. 2017). LBP is a complex condition that includes physiological, psychological, and neurological alterations (Nijs J. et al. 2017). Many researchers in the field of LBP, including physicians, believe that choosing the most effective treatment for the individual patient is impossible without a deeper understanding of … Continue reading Discogenic back pain: part 1