Management of Sciatic Scoliotic List in Lumbar Disc Herniation: Physical Therapy Approaches and Considerations

Sciatic scoliotic list (SSL) [Matsui H, et al. 1998; Krishnan KM, and Newey ML. 2001], also referred to as sciatic scoliosis [Krishnan KM, Newey ML. 2001; Kim R, et al. 2015; Zhang Y, et al. 2019], trunk list [Gillan MG, et al. 1998], or trunk shift [Wu W, et al. 2019], is observed in 13.2-17.7% of adults with lumbar disc herniation (LDH) [Kim R, et … Continue reading Management of Sciatic Scoliotic List in Lumbar Disc Herniation: Physical Therapy Approaches and Considerations

Which physiotherapy approach prevails in cost-effectiveness for back and neck pain: Solution-Finding vs. McKenzie?

In 2007, a study conducted by Manca et. al., delves into the cost-effectiveness of two distinct physiotherapy interventions for managing back and neck pain in primary care settings. The study compares a brief pain management approach rooted in cognitive-behavioral principles, termed the Solution-Finding Approach, with the more conventional McKenzie Approach. The investigation, which ran alongside a randomized trial, scrutinized the incremental variances in costs and … Continue reading Which physiotherapy approach prevails in cost-effectiveness for back and neck pain: Solution-Finding vs. McKenzie?