How effective is the PSYMEPHY program compared to standard pharmacologic care for fibromyalgia?

In 2012, the study conducted by Martín, et. al., aimed to evaluate the long-term effectiveness of a 6-week interdisciplinary treatment program for fibromyalgia (FM) called PSYMEPHY, which integrates psychological, medical, educational, and physiotherapeutic components. The research compared this comprehensive approach to standard pharmacologic care. The trial included 153 outpatients with FM from a hospital pain management unit, who were randomly assigned to either the experimental … Continue reading How effective is the PSYMEPHY program compared to standard pharmacologic care for fibromyalgia?

Is percutaneous disk decompression the superior choice for managing intervertebral disk herniation pain?

In 2011, a groundbreaking study conducted by a Erginousakis, et. al., including Dimitrios Erginousakis and colleagues, has shed new light on the treatment of intervertebral disk herniation. The study meticulously compared the outcomes of conservative therapy and percutaneous disk decompression (PDD) in alleviating pain and enhancing mobility over short, intermediate, and long-term periods. The research, approved by both a university ethics panel and an institutional … Continue reading Is percutaneous disk decompression the superior choice for managing intervertebral disk herniation pain?

Is physical therapy beneficial in managing traumatic spine fractures?

In 2009, a prospective randomized controlled trial conducted in the Netherlands has shed light on the efficacy of various nonoperative treatments for traumatic thoracic and lumbar spine fractures. Led by Agnita Stadhouder and colleagues, the study aimed to compare different treatment methods for these types of fractures, excluding cases with neurological damage and significant loss of height or spinal canal reduction. The trial, conducted across … Continue reading Is physical therapy beneficial in managing traumatic spine fractures?

McKenzie therapy vs. strengthening training: Which factors determine success in managing chronic low back pain?

Chronic low back pain (CLBP) poses a significant challenge for patients and healthcare providers alike, often necessitating exercise therapy for management. However, determining the most effective treatment approach and understanding which patients may not respond optimally remains a complex issue. In 2007, a study led by Tom Petersen, alongside Kristian Larsen and Soren Jacobsen, a randomized controlled trial was conducted to compare the long-term effectiveness … Continue reading McKenzie therapy vs. strengthening training: Which factors determine success in managing chronic low back pain?

Fit and strong! Intervention: Does it boost exercise self-efficacy in older adults with Osteoarthritis?

In 2006, a study conducted by Susan L. Hughes, et. al., the long-term impact of the Fit and Strong! intervention on older adults with osteoarthritis has been elucidated. This multiple-component intervention, which integrates exercise and behavior-change strategies followed by home-based reinforcement, aimed to improve the physical activity levels and self-efficacy of participants. The study, a randomized controlled trial, involved 115 participants in the Fit and … Continue reading Fit and strong! Intervention: Does it boost exercise self-efficacy in older adults with Osteoarthritis?