How does exercise intensity impact rehabilitation success in knee replacement recipients?

In 2012, Naylor, et. al., conducted a study about Patients who undergo total knee replacement (TKR) often face challenges related to deconditioning and multiple medical co-morbidities that are typically associated with low fitness levels. Given these challenges, there’s a strong case for incorporating cardiovascular fitness into rehabilitation programs for these patients. However, questions remain about the ability of TKR recipients to engage in and benefit … Continue reading How does exercise intensity impact rehabilitation success in knee replacement recipients?

Does intensive continuous passive motion improve postoperative outcomes in knee replacement patients?

In a comprehensive study conducted at a medical center in Taiwan from January to December 2006, Chen, et. al., sought to investigate the impact of aggressive continuous passive motion on postoperative outcomes for patients who had undergone total knee arthroplasty (TKA) within six months. TKA, commonly known as knee replacement surgery, is performed to alleviate pain and improve joint mobility in individuals suffering from osteoarthritis. … Continue reading Does intensive continuous passive motion improve postoperative outcomes in knee replacement patients?