Does massage alleviate stress and enhance immunity in breast cancer care?

In 2009 a study conducted by Billhult et al., the short-term effects of light pressure effleurage massage on immune function and stress levels in women undergoing treatment for breast cancer were explored. The study, a single-center, prospective, randomized, and controlled trial, aimed to assess the influence of massage therapy on circulating lymphocytes, particularly peripheral blood natural killer (NK) cells, as well as on salivary cortisol … Continue reading Does massage alleviate stress and enhance immunity in breast cancer care?

Can intelligent-turtle massage improve symptoms and immune function in chronic fatigue syndrome patients?

In 2009, a study led by Ji-hong Wang and colleagues, the potential benefits of intelligent-turtle massage for individuals suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) were investigated. This study aimed to evaluate the effects of this innovative massage technique on both physical symptoms and immune functions in CFS patients. A total of 182 CFS patients were enrolled in the study and randomly divided into two groups: … Continue reading Can intelligent-turtle massage improve symptoms and immune function in chronic fatigue syndrome patients?

How effective is massage therapy in enhancing neuroendocrine function in breast cancer survivors?

In 2004, a study led by Maria Hernandez-Reif, et. al., delved into the potential benefits of massage therapy for women diagnosed with Stage 1 or 2 breast cancer. The findings, published in a renowned journal, shed light on the multifaceted effects of massage therapy on mood enhancement and biological markers associated with emotional well-being. The study, which included 34 women with breast cancer, explored the … Continue reading How effective is massage therapy in enhancing neuroendocrine function in breast cancer survivors?