How does yogic practice influence stress and well-being in individuals living with HIV/AIDS?

In 2006, Brazier, et. al., aimed to investigate the effectiveness of a specialized group program geared towards enhancing the overall well-being of individuals dealing with the challenges of HIV/AIDS. This program centered around yogic breathing, movement, and meditation techniques, and was conducted in a residential setting. Employing a randomized controlled trial, the researchers recruited 62 participants from community HIV/AIDS organizations, with 47 participants completing the … Continue reading How does yogic practice influence stress and well-being in individuals living with HIV/AIDS?

How do group exercise interventions impact functional outcomes in advanced HIV/AIDS patients?

In 2005, Mary Lou Galantino, et. al., conducted study about Living with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) those are presents numerous challenges, often affecting both physical and mental well-being. In this context, exploring effective interventions for improving the quality of life (QOL) and functional outcomes of individuals with AIDS is of paramount importance. To address this, a randomized clinical trial was … Continue reading How do group exercise interventions impact functional outcomes in advanced HIV/AIDS patients?