Can interdisciplinary care sustain cognitive health in elderly hip fracture patients?

Cognitive impairment is a common concern among older individuals recovering from hip fractures. However, there has been limited research into the long-term trajectories of cognitive function for these patients and the impact of interdisciplinary interventions. In 2013, a groundbreaking study conducted by Yea-Ing L Shyu, et. al., the two-year postoperative cognitive journey of older hip-fracture patients in Taiwan was explored. Moreover, the study evaluated the … Continue reading Can interdisciplinary care sustain cognitive health in elderly hip fracture patients?

Comparing rest, physiotherapy, and mobilization: Which yields better neck pain recovery?

Neck sprains are a common consequence of road accidents, often leading to persistent symptoms and discomfort for affected individuals. In an effort to improve patient outcomes, a pioneering study conducted by L.A. McKinney(1989) sought to explore the long-term effects of early mobilization exercises compared to rest or physiotherapy in patients with acute neck sprains. The study employed a single-blind, randomized, prospective design, enrolling 247 consecutive … Continue reading Comparing rest, physiotherapy, and mobilization: Which yields better neck pain recovery?

Does foot reflexology show promise in reducing pain and nausea among inpatients with cancer?

In 2021, Anderson, et. al., conducted study about pain and nausea which are pervasive challenges faced by patients undergoing cancer treatment. To address this issue, researchers conducted a randomized controlled trial to assess the potential benefits of foot reflexology as an adjunct to traditional nursing care for inpatients with cancer. While previous studies have shown encouraging outcomes, further investigation was warranted to confirm its efficacy. … Continue reading Does foot reflexology show promise in reducing pain and nausea among inpatients with cancer?

Does Exercise Education Significantly Impact the Occurrence of Adhesive Capsulitis in Pacemaker Patients?

In 2020, randomized controlled trial conducted by Jorat et al., the incidence of AC following pacemaker implantation was investigated. Adhesive capsulitis (AC), characterized by a gradual painful loss of active and passive range of motion in the shoulder joint, can lead to disabilities such as work absenteeism, reduced leisure time, and frequent healthcare visits. The study also evaluated the effectiveness of physical therapy and exercise … Continue reading Does Exercise Education Significantly Impact the Occurrence of Adhesive Capsulitis in Pacemaker Patients?

What Effects Does Massage Therapy Have on Alcohol Withdrawal Symptoms?

In 2005, Reader, et. al., conducted the study about Massage therapy which has emerged as a potential complementary treatment for individuals undergoing alcohol detoxification, offering promising results as an adjunct to conventional methods. While its comprehensive effects have yet to be extensively studied, a recent randomized controlled trial sought to investigate the impact of massage therapy on patients undergoing alcohol withdrawal. This study Conducted in … Continue reading What Effects Does Massage Therapy Have on Alcohol Withdrawal Symptoms?