Does massage alleviate stress and enhance immunity in breast cancer care?

In 2009 a study conducted by Billhult et al., the short-term effects of light pressure effleurage massage on immune function and stress levels in women undergoing treatment for breast cancer were explored. The study, a single-center, prospective, randomized, and controlled trial, aimed to assess the influence of massage therapy on circulating lymphocytes, particularly peripheral blood natural killer (NK) cells, as well as on salivary cortisol … Continue reading Does massage alleviate stress and enhance immunity in breast cancer care?

Can individualized functional training ease chronic low back pain? A pilot study inquiry

In 2009 pilot study, conducted by Jau-Yih Tsauo and colleagues, the effectiveness of an individualized functional training program for patients suffering from chronic low back pain (LBP) was investigated. This study aimed to explore the impact of such a program on alleviating pain and improving functional capacity in individuals with non-specific LBP lasting for at least three months. The study employed a randomized, controlled trial … Continue reading Can individualized functional training ease chronic low back pain? A pilot study inquiry

Fit and strong! Intervention: Does it boost exercise self-efficacy in older adults with Osteoarthritis?

In 2006, a study conducted by Susan L. Hughes, et. al., the long-term impact of the Fit and Strong! intervention on older adults with osteoarthritis has been elucidated. This multiple-component intervention, which integrates exercise and behavior-change strategies followed by home-based reinforcement, aimed to improve the physical activity levels and self-efficacy of participants. The study, a randomized controlled trial, involved 115 participants in the Fit and … Continue reading Fit and strong! Intervention: Does it boost exercise self-efficacy in older adults with Osteoarthritis?

Can physical exercise alone reduce fall risk in elderly at home? Insights from a rural intervention trial

In 2006, a intervention trial led by Ryosaku Kobayashi, et. al., the effects of physical exercise on elderly individuals residing in rural areas were thoroughly investigated. The objective was to assess how physical activity could mitigate fall risk factors among this demographic. The study randomly assigned two regions within a village as control and intervention areas. The participants, aged 60 years or older and capable … Continue reading Can physical exercise alone reduce fall risk in elderly at home? Insights from a rural intervention trial