Can yoga alleviate oxidative stress in end-stage renal disease patients?

In 2013, Gordon, et. al., conducted study about Chronic renal disease which is often associated with oxidative stress, which can lead to endothelial dysfunction and atherosclerosis. To explore the potential benefits of yoga exercise as a therapeutic intervention, a recent study investigated its impact on oxidative stress indicators and oxidant status in patients with end-stage renal disease (ESRD) undergoing hemodialysis. This prospective randomized study involved … Continue reading Can yoga alleviate oxidative stress in end-stage renal disease patients?

Can hatha yoga enhance methadone maintenance treatment efficacy?

In 1997, Shaffer, et. al., conducted the study about the rise in methadone treatment programs aimed at addressing substance abuse and HIV infection among intravenous drug users has led to a quest for more cost-effective and beneficial treatment approaches. In this context, researchers sought to investigate whether incorporating Hatha yoga in a group setting could yield more favorable treatment outcomes compared to conventional group psychodynamic … Continue reading Can hatha yoga enhance methadone maintenance treatment efficacy?

What are the potential mechanisms of action underlying the positive impact of mindfulness and yogic breathing techniques on depression symptoms in yoga participants?

In 2017, Uebelacker, et. al., controlled trial investigating the efficacy of yoga for depression, researchers sought to gain a comprehensive understanding of the experiences of depressed individuals participating in a 10-week hatha yoga intervention. This article presents the qualitative analysis of responses provided by participants enrolled in the yoga classes, focusing on their perceptions of the program and its potential benefits. Participants were randomly assigned … Continue reading What are the potential mechanisms of action underlying the positive impact of mindfulness and yogic breathing techniques on depression symptoms in yoga participants?