How does foam rolling impact post-exercise muscle recovery?

In 2015, a study conducted by researchers at a university laboratory has shed light on the potential benefits of foam rolling for alleviating delayed-onset muscle soreness (DOMS) and improving muscular performance following intense exercise. The study, led by Gregory E. P. Pearcey and colleagues, explored whether foam rolling could serve as an effective recovery tool after a strenuous workout. The research involved eight healthy, physically … Continue reading How does foam rolling impact post-exercise muscle recovery?

Can foam rolling and static stretching boost hip-flexion range of motion together?

Many athletes seek ways to improve their range of motion (ROM) and flexibility to enhance their performance. Foam rolling has gained popularity for its potential to release muscle tension, and static stretching is a common method for improving flexibility. In 2014, study by Andrew R. Mohr and colleagues aimed to investigate whether combining foam rolling with static stretching could significantly increase passive hip-flexion ROM. This … Continue reading Can foam rolling and static stretching boost hip-flexion range of motion together?