Can community yoga classes impact type 2 diabetes? A trial exploration

Yoga has emerged as a popular adjunct therapy for managing Type 2 diabetes, although its effectiveness remains a subject of debate. In a bid to shed light on this issue, a recent study delved into the feasibility of investigating community-based yoga classes for individuals with Type 2 diabetes, aiming to lay the groundwork for a definitive, multi-center trial. In 2009, Skoro-Kondza, et. al., Conducted as … Continue reading Can community yoga classes impact type 2 diabetes? A trial exploration

Can chiropractic manipulation lower fall risk in older adults with balance issues?

In 2007, a feasibility study conducted by Cheryl Hawk and colleagues, the potential short-term effects of chiropractic spinal manipulation on reducing the risk of falls in older adults with impaired balance were explored. The study aimed to gather preliminary information crucial for the development of future investigations into the role of chiropractic care in mitigating fall risk within this demographic, as assessed by the Berg … Continue reading Can chiropractic manipulation lower fall risk in older adults with balance issues?

Can yoga, aerobics and stretching-toning benefit cancer survivors?

In 2022, Gothe, et. al., conducted study about Yoga which has gained widespread popularity as a beneficial mind-body practice among various clinical populations and older adults, particularly for managing age and chronic disease-related symptoms. However, limited research has explored its feasibility and acceptability, especially among cancer survivors. Feasibility studies are crucial in assessing whether a specific intervention is practical and well-received within the target population … Continue reading Can yoga, aerobics and stretching-toning benefit cancer survivors?

Can Combined Manual Therapies Improve Subacute and Chronic Neck Pain?

In 2008, the feasibility study conducted by Strunk, et. al., investigated the effectiveness of manual therapies in treating patients with subacute or chronic neck pain. The study aimed to develop and test protocols for a randomized clinical trial that combined high-velocity, low-amplitude spinal manipulation (HVLA SM) on the thoracic spine and sacroiliac joint, along with cervical spine postisometric relaxation. Additionally, the study examined the outcomes … Continue reading Can Combined Manual Therapies Improve Subacute and Chronic Neck Pain?