How effective is Tai Chi for balance issues in older adults with poor vision?

Balance control poses a significant challenge for older adults with visual impairments. While exercise programs can help improve balance, participation can be challenging for those with poor vision. Previous research has shown that Tai Chi enhances balance control, muscle strength, and fall prevention in sighted elderly individuals. This study aimed to investigate whether similar benefits could be extended to visually impaired elderly persons. The primary … Continue reading How effective is Tai Chi for balance issues in older adults with poor vision?

Can chiropractic manipulation lower fall risk in older adults with balance issues?

In 2007, a feasibility study conducted by Cheryl Hawk and colleagues, the potential short-term effects of chiropractic spinal manipulation on reducing the risk of falls in older adults with impaired balance were explored. The study aimed to gather preliminary information crucial for the development of future investigations into the role of chiropractic care in mitigating fall risk within this demographic, as assessed by the Berg … Continue reading Can chiropractic manipulation lower fall risk in older adults with balance issues?

Can physical exercise alone reduce fall risk in elderly at home? Insights from a rural intervention trial

In 2006, a intervention trial led by Ryosaku Kobayashi, et. al., the effects of physical exercise on elderly individuals residing in rural areas were thoroughly investigated. The objective was to assess how physical activity could mitigate fall risk factors among this demographic. The study randomly assigned two regions within a village as control and intervention areas. The participants, aged 60 years or older and capable … Continue reading Can physical exercise alone reduce fall risk in elderly at home? Insights from a rural intervention trial

Can combined exercise training improve balance in older women and reduce fall risk?

The decline in lower-extremity strength poses a significant risk of falls in the elderly population. In 1993, Judge, et. al., study aimed to investigate the impact of a robust lower-extremity strengthening, walking, and postural control exercise program on single-stance balance in healthy older women, with the overarching goal of reducing the risk of falls and fall-related injuries. Among the 38 respondents, 21 women (aged 62 … Continue reading Can combined exercise training improve balance in older women and reduce fall risk?