How does exercise intensity impact rehabilitation success in knee replacement recipients?

In 2012, Naylor, et. al., conducted a study about Patients who undergo total knee replacement (TKR) often face challenges related to deconditioning and multiple medical co-morbidities that are typically associated with low fitness levels. Given these challenges, there’s a strong case for incorporating cardiovascular fitness into rehabilitation programs for these patients. However, questions remain about the ability of TKR recipients to engage in and benefit … Continue reading How does exercise intensity impact rehabilitation success in knee replacement recipients?

Can Biokinergia massage boost oxygen consumption and alter cardiovascular responses in trained individuals?

In 1998, Flore, et. al., conducted study about Biokinergia (BK), a massage technique designed to enhance “biological” potential, has shown promise in modifying blood lactate concentration during prolonged exercise in a preliminary pilot study. This study aimed to validate the effects of BK on performance and physiological adaptations during maximal aerobic muscular exercise. The primary objective was to confirm the influence of a BK session … Continue reading Can Biokinergia massage boost oxygen consumption and alter cardiovascular responses in trained individuals?